About Us: Who We Are
Sarah Breshears
Owner, Writer, Project Manager
For nearly 20 years I had the great fortune to work (like a dog) for several outstanding Kansas City Corporations as Marketing Director, in charge of corporate communications. From these firms I learned to hold clients’ needs first, to truly listen to the sales and marketing teams, to investigate the marketplace firsthand and to apply this information to each and every marketing project.
In 2001 I side-stepped the corporate train ride and opened Creative Minds. Each new project brings the opportunity to creatively solve problems and build effective sales tools. My right-brain/left-brain duplicity does a push-me-pull-you throughout each project ensuring a creative product that is grounded in your sales goals. Intuitive, a quick study and tenacious, I love to create!
To help insure my creativity was grounded in business, I earned Bachelor degrees in Business and Political Science and a minor in Theatre. Additionally I earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from (the posh and swanky) Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO.
Creative Minds - Complete Marketing Communications.
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A Dedication...